Lexmark digitally transforms its service organization

Can a large enterprise integrate all of their data repositories and digital workflows into one cloud-based system that encompasses the entire business? Find out in this thought-provoking customer story showing how Lexmark uses Azure IoT capabilities to connect and manage any device, no matter what network environment it finds itself in.

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Executive Summary, Forrester TEI of Windows 11 Pro Devices

To better understand the benefits, costs, and risks associated with Windows 11, research firm Forrester interviewed organizations with experience using new Windows 11 Pro devices.

In this report, Forrester lays out the benefits of Windows 11 such as improvements in security risk profiles and the accelerated deployment and provision of the devices. The report also looks at the costs and challenges of adopting Windows 11 Pro devices.

Read the executive summary of the report.

View: Executive Summary, Forrester TEI of Windows 11 Pro Devices

Executive Summary, Forrester TEI of Windows 11 Pro Devices

To better understand the benefits, costs, and risks associated with Windows 11, research firm Forrester interviewed organizations with experience using new Windows 11 Pro devices.

In this report, Forrester lays out the benefits of Windows 11 such as improvements in security risk profiles and the accelerated deployment and provision of the devices. The report also looks at the costs and challenges of adopting Windows 11 Pro devices.

Read the executive summary of the report.

View: Executive Summary, Forrester TEI of Windows 11 Pro Devices

Create Business Value From AI

It’s clear that the world is at the dawn of generative AI, which is poised to open up the global economic landscape as organizations work to be the first in their industries to take advantage of its limitless capabilities. Watch this illuminating video by Microsoft’s Jessica Hawk focusing on the incredible potential of businesses powered by AI.

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