Security Power

Securing your systems with a data driven, human guided security approach allows you to detect and respond to attacks more quickly and accurately. This infographic outlines how the global network of real time threat intelligence from Microsoft continues to evolve, anticipate, and stay ahead of risks.

View: Security Power

BP deploys Microsoft 365 to improve user experience and security

Every day, BP manages the difficult business of finding, producing, marketing, and moving energy around the globe. Core to success is the modernization and digitization of the business, while being able to defend a vast digital perimeter against cyberattacks. This video shows how BP is migrating its work environment to Microsoft 365 Enterprise E5 to take advantage of a platform approach.

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Security beyond Microsoft products

With Microsoft, security can be simple once again. Microsoft 365 provides an intelligent security hub that works seamlessly across platforms, going far beyond Microsoft—to Linux and Mac, to AWS and beyond, so you can manage mission critical workloads with the right tools at your fingertips. Watch the video to learn more.

How migrating to Azure is modernizing JB Hunt

JB Hunt is reinventing its enterprise by migrating to the Azure cloud, which is helping the company manage 18 billion integration points and 8 billion transactions over the next 3-5 years. They are moving over 2100 applications to one platform. “This isn’t a cookie cutter approach,” Vana Matte, Senior VP of Technology says. Microsoft Azure can help you disrupt your industry by modernizing, lifting and shifting your data to the cloud – and we can help you turn your vision of the cloud into a reality.

Change Management Needs Change Management

In this article, Rephael Sweary suggests that companies must combat competing technological giants “by hyperactivating their capability to react to digital change. [This can be] an especially tall ask for organizations rooted in a long history of pre-digital operations.” This pattern transcends industry verticals. Where are you in your digital transformation?

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